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Kopparapu PKumar, Boorjian SA, Robinson BD, Downes M, Gudas LJ, Mongan NP, Persson JL.  2013.  Expression of cyclin d1 and its association with disease characteristics in bladder cancer.. Anticancer Res. 33(12):5235-42.
Kopparapu PKumar, Boorjian SA, Robinson BD, Downes M, Gudas LJ, Mongan NP, Persson JL.  2013.  Expression of VEGF and its receptors VEGFR1/VEGFR2 is associated with invasiveness of bladder cancer.. Anticancer Res. 33(6):2381-90.
Benoit YD, Laursen KB, Witherspoon MS, Lipkin SM, Gudas LJ.  2013.  Inhibition of PRC2 histone methyltransferase activity increases TRAIL-mediated apoptosis sensitivity in human colon cancer cells.. J Cell Physiol. 228(4):764-72.
Kashyap V, Ahmad S, Nilsson EM, Helczynski L, Kenna S, Persson JLiao, Gudas LJ, Mongan NP.  2013.  The lysine specific demethylase-1 (LSD1/KDM1A) regulates VEGF-A expression in prostate cancer.. Mol Oncol. 7(3):555-66.
Osei-Sarfo K, Tang X-H, Urvalek AM, Scognamiglio T, Gudas LJ.  2013.  The molecular features of tongue epithelium treated with the carcinogen 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide and alcohol as a model for HNSCC.. Carcinogenesis. 34(11):2673-81.
Benoit YD, Witherspoon MS, Laursen KB, Guezguez A, Beauséjour M, Beaulieu J-F, Lipkin SM, Gudas LJ.  2013.  Pharmacological inhibition of polycomb repressive complex-2 activity induces apoptosis in human colon cancer stem cells.. Exp Cell Res. 319(10):1463-70.
Laursen KB, Mongan NP, Zhuang Y, Ng MM, Benoit YD, Gudas LJ.  2013.  Polycomb recruitment attenuates retinoic acid-induced transcription of the bivalent NR2F1 gene.. Nucleic Acids Res. 41(13):6430-43.
Kashyap V, Laursen KB, Brenet F, Viale AJ, Scandura JM, Gudas LJ.  2013.  RARγ is essential for retinoic acid induced chromatin remodeling and transcriptional activation in embryonic stem cells.. J Cell Sci. 126(Pt 4):999-1008.
Gudas LJ.  2013.  Retinoids induce stem cell differentiation via epigenetic changes.. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 24(10-12):701-5.
Marcinkiewicz KM, Gudas LJ.  2014.  Altered epigenetic regulation of homeobox genes in human oral squamous cell carcinoma cells.. Exp Cell Res. 320(1):128-43.
Marcinkiewicz KM, Gudas LJ.  2014.  Altered histone mark deposition and DNA methylation at homeobox genes in human oral squamous cell carcinoma.. J Cell Physiol. 229(10):1405-16.
Tang X-H, Osei-Sarfo K, Urvalek AM, Zhang T, Scognamiglio T, Gudas LJ.  2014.  Combination of bexarotene and the retinoid CD1530 reduces murine oral-cavity carcinogenesis induced by the carcinogen 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111(24):8907-12.
Laursen KB, Gudas LJ.  2014.  Crossing the barrier: STRA6 in epidermal differentiation.. J Invest Dermatol. 134(6):1504-1506.
Urvalek AM, Gudas LJ.  2014.  Retinoic acid and histone deacetylases regulate epigenetic changes in embryonic stem cells.. J Biol Chem. 289(28):19519-30.
Osei-Sarfo K, Gudas LJ.  2014.  Retinoic acid suppresses the canonical Wnt signaling pathway in embryonic stem cells and activates the noncanonical Wnt signaling pathway.. Stem Cells. 32(8):2061-71.
Orfali N, McKenna SL, Cahill MR, Gudas LJ, Mongan NP.  2014.  Retinoid receptor signaling and autophagy in acute promyelocytic leukemia.. Exp Cell Res. 324(1):1-12.
Gudas LJ, Fu L, Minton DR, Mongan NP, Nanus DM.  2014.  The role of HIF1α in renal cell carcinoma tumorigenesis.. J Mol Med (Berl). 92(8):825-36.
Urvalek A, Laursen KBruun, Gudas LJ.  2014.  The roles of retinoic acid and retinoic acid receptors in inducing epigenetic changes.. Subcell Biochem. 70:129-49.
Laursen KB, Kashyap V, Scandura J, Gudas LJ.  2015.  An alternative retinoic acid-responsive Stra6 promoter regulated in response to retinol deficiency.. J Biol Chem. 290(7):4356-66.
Minton DR, Fu L, Chen Q, Robinson BD, Gross SS, Nanus DM, Gudas LJ.  2015.  Analyses of the transcriptome and metabolome demonstrate that HIF1α mediates altered tumor metabolism in clear cell renal cell carcinoma.. PLoS One. 10(4):e0120649.
Tang X-H, Urvalek AM, Osei-Sarfo K, Zhang T, Scognamiglio T, Gudas LJ.  2015.  Gene expression profiling signatures for the diagnosis and prevention of oral cavity carcinogenesis-genome-wide analysis using RNA-seq technology.. Oncotarget. 6(27):24424-35.
Fu L, Minton DR, Zhang T, Nanus DM, Gudas LJ.  2015.  Genome-Wide Profiling of TRACK Kidneys Shows Similarity to the Human ccRCC Transcriptome.. Mol Cancer Res. 13(5):870-8.
Urvalek AM, Osei-Sarfo K, Tang X-H, Zhang T, Scognamiglio T, Gudas LJ.  2015.  Identification of Ethanol and 4-Nitroquinoline-1-Oxide Induced Epigenetic and Oxidative Stress Markers During Oral Cavity Carcinogenesis.. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 39(8):1360-72.
Orfali N, O'Donovan TR, Nyhan MJ, Britschgi A, Tschan MP, Cahill MR, Mongan NP, Gudas LJ, McKenna SL.  2015.  Induction of autophagy is a key component of all-trans-retinoic acid-induced differentiation in leukemia cells and a potential target for pharmacologic modulation.. Exp Hematol. 43(9):781-93.e2.
Osei-Sarfo K, Urvalek AM, Tang X-H, Scognamiglio T, Gudas LJ.  2015.  Initiation of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) in a murine 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide and alcohol carcinogenesis model.. Oncotarget. 6(8):6040-52.