Drs. Elaine Fuchs and Lorraine Gudas- September 1, 2022
Dr. Elaine Fuchs, a faculty member at Rockefeller University, and Dr. Gudas had lunch on September 1, 2022 to catch up on news. Elaine and Lorraine were PhD students together in the Biochemistry Program at Princeton University!
Dr. Koen Van der Mijn, now working in the Netherlands, visits the lab & discusses research projects with Dr. Gudas! June 2, 2022
February 27, 2022 Cancer Meeting in Los Angeles.
At a cancer meeting in Los Angeles former PhD student Ryan Serio and former MD/PhD student Kymora Scotland visited with Lorraine! Ryan is now a postdoc, and Kymora is now an assistant professor in the Urology Dept. at UCLA.
Gudas Lab Trip- Kayaking on the Delaware River August 18, 2021
from left: Christopher Nieves, Marta Melis, Lorraine Gudas, Jianjun Xie, Jorge Baquero, Eduardo Mere, Jackie Kubala, Mindy Hugo, Krysta DiKun, and Carlos Prishker. CLICK HERE FOR MORE
July 10th, 2019
Biking, swimming, and eating along the Delaware River near New Hope, PA. A Marvelous Time. Click here for more pictures
Dr. Sue Ellen Touma, a former PhD student of Dr. Gudas, came back for a visit to the lab with her daughter on Dec 3, 2012.
Gudas Laboratory Clean-up: Lots of Fun! September 27, 2012
Lorraine attended the Pharmacology Dept. Chairs meeting in Mexico January 22-26, 2023.
Lorraine is pictured with Dr. Mark Nelson, Chair of the Pharmacology Dept. at the University of Vermont.Click here for more pictures!
Gudas Lab Trip on 7/19/2022: Kayaking on the Delaware River
From left: Jianjun, Lorraine, Marta, Andrew, Eduardo, Carlos D, Carlos P, Mindy, and Krysta. Click here for more pictures!
Dr. Lorraine Gudas and Dr. Nina Orfali catch up, April, 2022!
Dr. Lorraine Gudas and Dr. Nina Orfali catch up, April, 2022! Nina is a former PhD student of Dr. Gudas, and Nina (MD/PhD) now is working on the transplant ward at a hospital in Dublin, Ireland.
Gudas Lab Clean-up on January 13, 2022 followed by Pizza Lunch
Pictured here are Pharmacology PhD Program Graduate Students: Krysta DiKun (left) and Mindy Hugo (right). For more pictures click here...
August 12, 2020 - Gudas Lab Trip
Trip to Jones Beach for swimming and sunning, plus a seafood dinner afterwards! What a glorious day, and so much fun to be at the beach with fellow lab members…Click here for more pictures
June 13, 2019
Another successful cleanup in the Gudas Lab! Click here for more pictures.
July 18, 2018- Dr. Gudas Lab Trip
July 18, 2018: Dr. Gudas Lab Trip JetSkiing in Freeport, Long Island. Tons of Fun!! Click here for more pictures
Dr. Lorraine Gudas and Dr. Ari Melnick spoke at the Cold Spring Harbor Asia Meeting held in Suzhou, China Oct. 2012
Dr. Lorraine Gudas and Dr. Ari Melnick spoke at the Cold Spring Harbor Asia Meeting on Differentiation Therapy and Advances in Cancer, held in Suzhou, China, from Oct. 19-24, 2012. Click here for more pictures.
Dr. Manuel Aregullin enjoys his dessert at the dinner with Dr. Gudas and Plant Biology faculty on October 12, 2012.