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Journal Article
Tang X-H, Marta M, Gudas LJ, Mai K, Trasino SE.  2021.  Fenretinide Improves Intestinal Barrier Function and Mitigates Alcohol Liver Disease. Front. Pharmacol.
Su D, Gudas LJ.  2008.  Gene expression profiling elucidates a specific role for RARgamma in the retinoic acid-induced differentiation of F9 teratocarcinoma stem cells.. Biochem Pharmacol. 75(5):1129-60.
Tang X-H, Urvalek AM, Osei-Sarfo K, Zhang T, Scognamiglio T, Gudas LJ.  2015.  Gene expression profiling signatures for the diagnosis and prevention of oral cavity carcinogenesis-genome-wide analysis using RNA-seq technology.. Oncotarget. 6(27):24424-35.
Tavares TS, Nanus D, Yang XJ, Gudas LJ.  2008.  Gene microarray analysis of human renal cell carcinoma: the effects of HDAC inhibition and retinoid treatment.. Cancer Biol Ther. 7(10):1607-18.
Fu L, Wang G, Shevchuk MM, Nanus DM, Gudas LJ.  2011.  Generation of a mouse model of Von Hippel-Lindau kidney disease leading to renal cancers by expression of a constitutively active mutant of HIF1α.. Cancer Res. 71(21):6848-56.
Fu L, Minton DR, Zhang T, Nanus DM, Gudas LJ.  2015.  Genome-Wide Profiling of TRACK Kidneys Shows Similarity to the Human ccRCC Transcriptome.. Mol Cancer Res. 13(5):870-8.
van der Mijn JC, Eng KW, Chandra P, Fernandez E, Ramazanoglu S, Sigaras A, Oromendia C, Gudas LJ, Tagawa ST, Nanus DM et al..  2022.  The genomic landscape of metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma after systemic therapy.. Mol Oncol.
Liu L, Tang X-H, Gudas LJ.  2008.  Homeostasis of retinol in lecithin: retinol acyltransferase gene knockout mice fed a high retinol diet.. Biochem Pharmacol. 75(12):2316-24.
Chen AC, Yu K, Lane MA, Gudas LJ.  2003.  Homozygous deletion of the CRABPI gene in AB1 embryonic stem cells results in increased CRABPII gene expression and decreased intracellular retinoic acid concentration.. Arch Biochem Biophys. 411(2):159-73.
Martinez-Ceballos E, Gudas LJ.  2008.  Hoxa1 is required for the retinoic acid-induced differentiation of embryonic stem cells into neurons.. J Neurosci Res. 86(13):2809-19.
Zhuang Y, Faria TN, Chambon P, Gudas LJ.  2003.  Identification and characterization of retinoic acid receptor beta2 target genes in F9 teratocarcinoma cells.. Mol Cancer Res. 1(8):619-30.
Urvalek AM, Osei-Sarfo K, Tang X-H, Zhang T, Scognamiglio T, Gudas LJ.  2015.  Identification of Ethanol and 4-Nitroquinoline-1-Oxide Induced Epigenetic and Oxidative Stress Markers During Oral Cavity Carcinogenesis.. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 39(8):1360-72.
Raman JD, Mongan NP, Tickoo SK, Boorjian SA, Scherr DS, Gudas LJ.  2005.  Increased expression of the polycomb group gene, EZH2, in transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder.. Clin Cancer Res. 11(24 Pt 1):8570-6.
Orfali N, O'Donovan TR, Nyhan MJ, Britschgi A, Tschan MP, Cahill MR, Mongan NP, Gudas LJ, McKenna SL.  2015.  Induction of autophagy is a key component of all-trans-retinoic acid-induced differentiation in leukemia cells and a potential target for pharmacologic modulation.. Exp Hematol. 43(9):781-93.e2.
Reynertson KA, Charlson ME, Gudas LJ.  2011.  Induction of murine embryonic stem cell differentiation by medicinal plant extracts.. Exp Cell Res. 317(1):82-93.
Benoit YD, Laursen KB, Witherspoon MS, Lipkin SM, Gudas LJ.  2013.  Inhibition of PRC2 histone methyltransferase activity increases TRAIL-mediated apoptosis sensitivity in human colon cancer cells.. J Cell Physiol. 228(4):764-72.
Orfali N, Shan-Krauer D, O'Donovan TR, Mongan NP, Gudas LJ, Cahill MR, Tschan MP, McKenna SL.  2019.  Inhibition of UBE2L6 attenuates ISGylation and impedes ATRA-induced differentiation of leukemic cells.. Mol Oncol.
Osei-Sarfo K, Urvalek AM, Tang X-H, Scognamiglio T, Gudas LJ.  2015.  Initiation of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) in a murine 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide and alcohol carcinogenesis model.. Oncotarget. 6(8):6040-52.
Metzler VM, de Brot S, Haigh DB, Woodcock CL, Lothion-Roy J, Harris AE, Nilsson EM, Ntekim A, Persson JL, Robinson BD et al..  2023.  The KDM5B and KDM1A lysine demethylases cooperate in regulating androgen receptor expression and signalling in prostate cancer.. Front Cell Dev Biol. 11:1116424.
Williams RM, Shah J, Mercer E, Tian HS, Thompson V, Cheung JM, Dorso M, Kubala JM, Gudas LJ, de Stanchina E et al..  2021.  Kidney-Targeted Redox Scavenger Therapy Prevents Cisplatin-Induced Acute Kidney Injury.. Front Pharmacol. 12:790913.
Gudas R, Rimkūnas A, Staškūnas M.  2021.  Large-Diameter Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Technique With 8-Strand Semitendinosus and Gracilis Graft.. Arthrosc Tech. 10(4):e981-e986.
Orfali N, Jeyapalan JN, Woodcock CL, O'Donovan TR, Benjamin D, Cahill M, McKenna S, Gudas LJ, Mongan NP.  2019.  Lentiviral-Mediated shRNA Approaches: Applications in Cellular Differentiation and Autophagy.. Methods Mol Biol. 2019:33-49.
Lane MA, Xu J, Wilen EW, Sylvester R, Derguini F, Gudas LJ.  2008.  LIF removal increases CRABPI and CRABPII transcripts in embryonic stem cells cultured in retinol or 4-oxoretinol.. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 280(1-2):63-74.
Kashyap V, Ahmad S, Nilsson EM, Helczynski L, Kenna S, Persson JLiao, Gudas LJ, Mongan NP.  2013.  The lysine specific demethylase-1 (LSD1/KDM1A) regulates VEGF-A expression in prostate cancer.. Mol Oncol. 7(3):555-66.
Williams RM, Shah J, Ng BD, Minton DR, Gudas LJ, Park CY, Heller DA.  2015.  Mesoscale nanoparticles selectively target the renal proximal tubule epithelium.. Nano Lett. 15(4):2358-64.